Monday, February 11, 2008

Primary Blues

I'm totally depressed about the primaries right now...
First off, I have to eat my share of crow for getting the whole Republican primary wrong. Romney bowed out and McCain is a clear front-runner, despite Limbaugh and Coulter shouting and whining about it. McCain's a good guy, so I'm happy to see the Republican party fall behind a sane candidate. Take that social conservatives!
Second, Hillary Clinton is falling behind all the time on the delegate count and tomorrow's Potomac Primary is looking like another Obama sweep. On national polls pitting Obama and Hillary against McCain, Obama does better. It's getting to me so much that I'm turning racist. Obama is making me racist... Last night durring the Grammys I was cussing at all the black hip hop artists - Kanye West, Rhianna, etc.
Amy Winehouse (a Jew from England) didn't make it any better - she's a total slag. That's weird, I did a goole search for "slag Amy Winehouse" and got a lot of hits. Apparently I wasn't the only one to see her and have the word "slag" pop into my head. Amy "Slag Heap" WInehouse. They just have to stop giving awards to the dregs of society. I mean kids watch these shows...
Ranting definitely gets me in a better mood. I am almost ready to believe Hills still has some hope tomorrow. When people (read: my wife) assumed the worst when the polls came out for New Hampshire I stayed positive, and she pulled through. Maybe the polls have it all wrong again... Let's go Hillary!

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