Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bee Can Moon

My International Relations professor likes to rip on George Bush, and I like to rip on him... He called the current Secretary General of the UN "Bee Can Moon" (1 of 3 syllables right, a failing grade). He also repeats a lot of what I hear on NPR, which is annoying. I like NPR, but I get it for free on the radio. I don't need to pay $500 to hear the same stuff regurgitated with pronunciation mistakes...
Still, this week was quite dense with interesting foreign affairs that we discussed in class:

  • US and EU have sanctioned Kosovo's deceleration of independence, while simultaneously noting it should not be taken as as precedent. Basque, Taiwan, Abkhazia and South Ossetia (not to mention Palestine) would be right to call these Western powers hypocrites when it comes to supporting self-determination as a general human right.
  • Castro stepped down. Can we get over him, and open trade with Cuba as we have done with other repressive regimes (China being the 800 lb. gorilla in that argument)? Besides the benefit to the people of Cuba, this would also help curb Hugo Chavez's influence in the region.
  • Pakistan elects an overwhelmingly secular government (even in the NWFP) demonstrating disapproval with the undemocratic Musharraf regime. This could possibly weaken pro-Taleban and Al Qaida forces in the North Western region.
  • We shot down our own satellite. This was obviously an arms-race muscle flexing. To be honest, I couldn't help but root for it - missing would just give more fodder to war hawks.
But what does US media concentrate on? John McCain's alleged affair with a lobbyist 8 years ago. Shame on us, Americans.


gpspacey said...

Damn it I finally took a serious look at the map of the Middle East today. It was prompted by Richard Clarke's book "Against All Enemies".

Then I seriously felt stupid, because for some reason I assumed all these years that Afghanistan was directly north of Iraq. It prompted a lot of soul searching and repentance for having done my part in the American Ignorance.

Then I felt outraged that Richard Clarke's book didn't get more attention that it deserves when it was published. This should be a REQUIRED reading in all history classes, high school and college.

After reading some more I got tired and watched mindless TV for a bit.

gpspacey said...

Oh yeah, the main point I wanted to write in your blog was that I wish I were in that class of yours. But it would be terribly disappointing to rip Bush while paying through my nose when I can do that on your blog, my blog, facebook...

Yoni said...

Yes, rub it in. Thanks...

As for geography, since I know you have a lot of time on your hands, I recommend Sheppard Software free internet Geography games:
(warning: this site may not work well with Firefox)

These games are fun & free and I've been using them to study for the FSWE. If more people played these games instead of answering mindless film trivia on facebook (guilty) we wouldn't have people (Canuks and Euroskags) ragging on us Americans all the time...

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