Thursday, February 21, 2008

Last (?) Democratic Primary Debate

Obama sounded like he had a cold tonight. Or has he grown hoarse from shouting empty rhetoric?

Clinton continues to discuss issues with clear concepts and specific policy ideas, while Obama continues to be vague, concentrating simply on the idea that creating a united coalition of policy makers would solve all of our problems. I don't understand why he thinks he would get Republicans to approve any liberal agenda, and I'm not sure what past experience in his career has shown such a capacity to unite opposing political constituencies. If "everyone has a seat at the table" there may be even more rhetoric and less serious reform...

CNN made sure to push them towards nastiness, basically asking each to discuss the other's suckiness. Clinton said she was amused seeing an Obama supporter go mute when asked what some of Obama's accomplishments were... Obama said she was silly for saying he was plagiarizing other people's speeches, and that it is absurd to say that the millions of people and media organizations who voted or endorsed him have been duped and will soon see the light. It may be absurd, but I feel they have been duped. Same way as Bush voters were duped. Why is that so hard to believe in today's media-frenzied society? Every media outlet says Clinton HAS to win Texas and Ohio, but they are neck and neck in delegate counts, so why does she HAVE to win these states? Neither has a chance of getting to the 2025 delegate count before convention so let up pundits! "Clinton's Last Stand", "Last Chance for Clinton", "Make or Break For Clinton". Is this media imitating polls or are polls being influenced by the media frenzy?


gpspacey said...

It's all part of the same machine.

The culture dumbs down the political discourse. It creates more ignorance. It makes electing dumb politicians easier. More dumb politicians, dumber policies, and dumber American culture.

How do we stop this wheel?

Well, the good thing about Obama is that he can at least speak eloquently and bring up the level of our political grammar (which someone mentioned... was it you?) and hopefully that will bring up the level of content.

Maybe at this point that's all we can hope for, because things have gotten so bad... we cannot hope for real change. we can only hope for a pretense.

Then BAM! Enters Bloomberg in 2012 and brings the REAL change!

Yoni said...

To gpsapcey:

Thank you for keeping the dialogue lively. If you keep it up, I might start puting google AdSense on my blog :)

As for your comment itself, I suppose you think that this wheel works both ways but I don't see how a smooth-talking president would eventually create a more enlightened public, let alone smarter policy makers and administrators?

I want our president to be both a good administrator and an eloquent speaker. I think Clinton meets that criteria. She doesn't make me swoon or cry, but she earns my respect and trust. I think Obama's message is spirited but intangible and that it speaks to the lowest common denominator - like sermons of a fired-up spiritual leader or the spoutings of a charming, fascist leader. In your wheel of cultural dumbness analogy, Obama is not really reversing anything, but rather he is perpetuating ignorance (of real issues and policy). Having a better enunciation and grammar than George W. Bush is nothing to brag about.

And I find it ironic that we'd get Obama because "we cannot HOPE for real CHANGE..." This primary process is not nearly done yet. Hang in there. She needs us now more than ever. And I'd love to see a Bloomberg 2016 campaign (after 8 years of Clintonian bliss).

Keep on commenting! We can at least start tugging on that gyrating culture mill of yours by having such convivial discourse amongst ourselves.

Yoni said...

I didn't want to make another blog entry for this, but on Clinton's campaign's point of Obama's plagiarizing and my point of his being another George W. Bush, here is a comparison of their campaign slogans:

Obama '08 - "Yes We Can"
Bush '04 - "Yes, America Can!"

They just changed to a pronoun and stripped the punctuation...

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