Sunday, February 24, 2008

"Dissent is the Mother of Ascent" - Nader '08

Thank holy mother of christ for Ralph Nader...
I am so tired of seeing and hearing and talking about Mr. Old Fart, Mr. (No)Hope, and the honorable senator from New York. So it was nice to see Michael Moore's favorite politician and the leader of the Green (and slightly Red) Party on Meet the Press today announcing his third-party bid for the presidency. He has no chance and I do not support all of his radical stands on policy, but he would make an interesting third wheel at the general election debates. He ripped on Obama, and Tim showed a clip of Obama trashing Nader which I hope will now get more airtime, because it features a halo-less Obama.
On the other hand Nader is older than McCain. Why can't the radical, hippie, feminist Green party produce a younger, less bile-filled candidate for the top office? He's too cranky to excite voters in today's ballot market.


gpspacey said...

one answer... they're too poor!

the rich ones flocked to the rep/dem side long ago.

Yoni said...

Just 'cause they're poor doesn't mean they can't be represented by someone less bug-eyed and cantankerous. Also, I'm not convinced the Green Party is made up of the impoverished. Usually, if you're poor, you don't have time to worry about the environment, gender equality, and other social justice issues. I'd love to see a modern, younger, less menacing version of Ralph Nader. Someone who doesn't want to bring down the system, but rather change it to a more social democratic one.
It would be great if the Green Party base dissolved and merged into the Social Democratic party. That could be big. Right now, the Social Democrats are nothing but a micro-dot on the political map, whereas the Green Party is too radical to win serious majorities.