Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday is the New Thursday!

Holy Jebus, what a fighter, hey? You go get him, girl...
Well, Obama had a rough week. First, Clinton came at him with knives during the Ohio debate. Then, SNL tore him a new one on a sketch of that debate. The news cycle was still rehashing his wife's unpatriotic line, when his campaign got pooped on with the NAFTA-gate debacle. These hampered his chances to win in this Fantastique Mardi set of primaries. Of course, deluded voters in Vermont (the "Freedom and UNITY state") begged to differ, but who cares about them. Ohio, a major swing state and a renowned predictor of primary winners (like New Hampshire), has gone big for Hills.


Marissa + Scott said...

Wow, big surprise, Newsweek douchebag ("promiment" douchebag) calls for Hillary to step down last week:


You think newsweek could possibly have their heads further up Obama's ass?

Yoni said...

Thanks for the link, we just had a good laugh. We were watching CNN and the little graphics said "What went Right?" over Hillary's picture and "What Happened?" with Obama's picture. Like some crazy miracle occurred - how dare Americans vote across pundit lines?
You know what, in one of my courses the instructor asks us to comment on politics and Obama supporters (2 black people) are verbose while I stay quiet. I sort of fear seeming racist. So I understand where the media is coming from. Easier attacking her and supporting him if you're shallow.