Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cat's Out... Ode to Wife

Everyone I know reading this should be cognizant by now, but I am finally ready to share with the entire digital world the wonderful news of my wife's pregnancy. She is just starting the third trimester now. We are delighted, excited, scared, anxious, and many other conflicting things besides. I look forward to being a daddy but I am also concerned about my career and what financial future I might have post-Bloomberg.
Yes, it's a topic I've avoided for months now. My guilt over living the life of an unemployed house-husband; mooching off his pregnant, working wife. Most people who know me feel comfortable joking about this around me, and it has started getting to me despite my sometimes egging on this oh-so-jovial topic. I don't care about gender roles, but I do need to contribute to this marriage more than just my [waning] good looks and [often jarring] charm (oh, and ~3 square meals a day).
Hmm... I am still taking courses at NYU (got straight A's last semester), and am working on a more meaty research paper for my Peacebuilding course, which will hopefully set me on track to get a better stab at an analyst job. Meanwhile, I have floated my resume unenthusiastically on some software scouting job boards and have been looking for the right opportunity to come knocking down my door - a juicy, short-to-medium term contract. It's slim pickings in the market right now, and I have a slight-to-huge aversion towards working in Finance again.
My attempts at landing a job in public policy have come to naught so far, but I feel I have increased my potential through coursework and networking with staff (especially last term's International Law professor, and my current Peacebuilding one). Passing to the OA has been a consolation this week, and a short-term contract has, graciously and politely, presented itself on my doorstep - if only it were juicy.
So, I'm going to be a father! And I hope I can give my little girl her heart's desires. My planning could not have been worse, but you live and learn. Hopefully, things will start looking up soon. My wife, meanwhile, has been most often extremely supportive (rest of the time, monstrously guilt-inducing!). I hope to repay her graciousness one day, but I doubt she will ever be as reckless and impractical as me and require such support on my part... It's one of many, many reasons I am lucky to have found her.


Eleanor Zimmermann said...

hey, I surfed into your blog when I searched for information about the FSOT.
I've been trying to find a second-hand market for the study guide, but so far no luck.
Since you're done with the written test, can I buy yours off of you?

Eleanor Zimmermann said...

btw, I think you're unnecessarily hard on yourself! I wouldn't mind having bloomberg on my resume...

Yoni said...

Eleanor, the version I have is electronic (PDF) and has the normal copyright law associated with it - ie, for personal use only. I am not sure what the secondary market looks like for such a thing and am not about to risk anything finding out. Sorry. I am, after all, applying for a government job - don't want to break that government's intellectual property rights laws - right? The guide is $20 and is very easy to purchase online.

Eleanor Zimmermann said...

ah, I suppose that's fair enough. really, you are right, $20 shouldn't be so bad. Was hoping you might have a hard copy, instead, actually.
I'm so cheap...
[if you get a paper copy, I think the shipping makes it closer to $40... so used to buying textbooks online]