Wednesday, February 20, 2008


What this guy says...


Marissa + Scott said...

Now publish that in NewsWeek, you effing douchebags.

gpspacey said...

Thanks!!! Robert Samuelson is correct to point out these things about Obama, but Obama is only living up to the current cultural void of "honest rhetoric". We've been fed so many lies, either black or white, that it's refreshing to hear someone talk about the problem.

He doesn't have the solutions, but we don't even want to acknowledge the problem of national debt, broken healthcare, and general ignorance among "average american".

If you watched last week's Bill Moyer's Journal, you'd know what I mean...

Right now the best this country can offer is someone like Obama who can talk about the problems at rhetorics/inspirational-without-substance level. Once the general population has accepted the obligation of being informed citizen, we can move on to talking about problems at informative, thought-through level.

Yoni said...

gpspacey said:
"He doesn't have the solutions, but we don't even want to acknowledge the problem of national debt, broken healthcare"

I think it is really easy for a politician to point out all the ills of society, but to back them with little or no realistic reforms is an offense I cannot bear. How can you talk about deep change in health care and refuse to consider successful social democratic models? How can you talk about the fiscal crisis in the welfare system without considering the necessary painful cuts or increase in revenue-generation (euphemism for taxes)?

The average American is precisely swept away by Obama hysteria BECAUSE he/she does not want to acknowledge the serious need for change. Shhhh! CNN Democratic Debate is starting...

gpspacey said...

Perhaps you'll like my letter to Hillary then.

I also think you'll get a kick out of this excerpt (lady who was on Bill Moyer's journal)

Yoni said...

Susan Jacoby sounds interesting. I agree with the diatribe on language and thought impoverishment in society.

On your letter and Jacoby's remark regarding publicized meetings with professionals on health care, I think it's a great PR idea. But in terms of bringing knowledge into the White House, Clinton has already done her legwork in her championing of this agenda since the early 90's. To suggest that she would be coming into the White House with the same level of understanding of this issue as Obama is a slander on her record and experience (or an exaggerated estimation of his).

Yoni said...

P.S. - I'm a bit frustrated that the only blog entry I entered that's completely unoriginal is the one generating the most comments :)