Tuesday, January 8, 2008

C-H-A-N-G-E is a 6-letter word...

OK. Someone hold me back or "there will be blood tonight!"
First off, I want to see Change-counters on-screen for every speech a presidential candidate makes on TV. I'm so tired of this over-used rhetoric. CHANGE we can believe in, Ready for CHANGE, Stand for CHANGE... The only thing that changed tonight was the lead in the Democratic primary campaign - Clinton bagged a surprise win! Was it the underdog phenomenon? The tears? Clinton organization rigging voting machines? Who cares?!? The point is that New Hampshire put the kabash on all this CHANGE...
I hope now that Obama is not the inevitable nominee ("you keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means"), the candidates can stop riding the waves of CHANGE and go back to talking issues. Because this nomination is not about CHANGE. It's about who is right for the job and who has the best platform to offer.
Remember candidates, we're watching and we're listening...

1 comment:

gpspacey said...

I totally agree! First, we should understand WHAT change the candidates are talking about. From what, To what.