Monday, August 31, 2009

Daddy - Proud Silly

She can eat using her own hands, poop sitting on a potty, and now pretty much walk unaided. She is daddy's little girl and I'm not afraid to show how silly I get over her amazing feats of development:


Anonymous said...

Noticed you haven't posted in awhile, inquiring minds want to know, are you still preparing to take the fso test this March?

Yoni said...

I hope Anonymous isn't someone from work! I have my Oral Assessment scheduled in late winter.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I just wandered accross your blog while searching the internet for info on the fsot :)

I am also going to take the test this winter, I hope you continue to post about your experience.

essays said...

Very cute indeed. That was awesome, hope you can post more and write more information. Keep on educating us.